Hot Lunch

Uplands Hot Lunch _ MunchaLunch

Uplands (

  1. Click on the “register here” link
  2. Please choose your child’s teacher and division to ensure their lunch is delivered to the correct classroom. If you already have an account, please login and double-check your child/ren’s information is correct

Payments are due before each lunch and can be made on your MunchaLunch account by credit card, or you can send a cheque (“Uplands PAC”) or cash to your child’s classroom, attention PAC.

Lunches will be delivered to each child’s classroom individually packaged.

Uplands Elementary & Montessori

4471 - 207 A Street, Langley
BC, V3A 5V8
Phone: 604-533-1285
Fax: 604-532-9748
Attendance: 604-533-1285